Beautiful moon babies,
Welcome to a series of articles called How to Practice Moon Magic.
Each week I will share with you a tip for enriching your magical moon practice.
Last week we talked about divination and the moon.
This week, we’re going to talk about astrology, serendipity, and signs from the universe.
This is how I worship the moon.
I don’t do the same thing every time. Each moon is different and I am different each time the moon is full.
Your moon magic will probably not look exactly like my moon magic.
Your moon magic might look like a small silver charm you wear – secret magic that’s delightfully hidden in plain sight.
Your moon magic might look like a naked romp through a field of silver grass.
Your moon magic might look like a coven ritual, all pentacles and Gods and Goddesses.
Your moon magic might look like a book, a bath, a glass of wine.
Your moon magic might be all of these, a different one every month!
Your moon magic is whatever feels like coming through you in the moment.
If you already practice moon magic, these articles will bring new light to your practice.
If you are not currently practicing moon magic, these articles will give you advice on how to get started.
Working with the moon is one of the easiest ways to bring more magic into your life – after all, there’s a new moon phase every week!
Let’s begin.
How To Practice Moon Magic #2.
Look at the Signs (and feel out the Vibe)
Each moon is different, in part because each moon falls under a different sign of the Zodiac.
(Also because the moon of each month has a different vibe – and its own name(s). April is known to many as the Pink Moon due to the proliferation of delightful pink blossoms at this time of year, while May is widely known as the Milk Moon, because of the nursing mothers in nature, or the Flower Moon…gee, I wonder why.)
You can easily determine under which sign the moon is and will be by using the website Lunarium’s Universal Lunar Calendar, or a phone app like Deluxe Moon (I use the Pro version, and LOVE IT).
If you use Lunarium, make sure you set it to your own time zone – you can do so near the top of the page, in the small black bar under the words Universal Lunar Calendar. I believe the default time zone is London.
If you’re not into astrology…
It’s easy to get caught up in frantic worried thoughts of, “But what does it all meeeean~?!?”
Don’t sweat it. Knowing the sign of the moon is sort of like having a journal prompt. It gives you something to think about, a starting point or frame of reference, if you will.
But you don’t need to be an astrology expert. (Really)
Just look at the signs. Think about it. Read up on it, if you feel called to do so.
Allow that information to percolate. As the months pass and the moon moves in and out of each sign, you’ll get to know the vibe of each moon-sign…but only if you’re paying attention.
Magic requires you to pay attention.
If you pay attention to the signs of the moon, and learn at the very least which elements are ruled by each sign (Aquarius=Air, Pisces=Water, Aries=Fire, etc.), you’ll have a much better idea of what kind of energy is churning about.
It helps to know what kind of energy is churning about.
If you’re worried because astrology just so totally is not your jam, have no fear!
Pay attention to the signs you’ve been receiving from the Universe, because they, too are clues to the kind of energy that’s churning about – and more specifically, how that energy applies to you, personally.
Those numbers you keep seeing? Those words you hear in snatches of song and conversation?
The animals that pop up for you, like, allllll over the place?
Those weirdo dreams you’ve been having?
Look at those signs. Pay attention. They’re all around you.
Take a moment to close your eyes, get still, and listen with your heart to the world around you.
It’s trying to tell you something.
The more you listen, the more you’ll hear – and the deeper your connection to your intuition will become.
Remember: keep talking about moon magic.
Tell your story.
Ask me questions.
Ask each other questions.
The most lively discussions usually happen on Instagram, but you can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.
And if your interest is piqued and you’d like hands-on magical moon coaching from me, you may e-mail me with the subject Moon Magic. I’d be happy to help you learn more.