Are you ready for a break?
‘Cause baby kittens, we’ve been through the wringer.
Mercury retro, eclipses, the thinning of the veil, general astro hoopla.
Yessiree Bob, change is happening big-big.
Through it all, we move through the shadow of our fear so that we may face a brighter day.
It’s been a long time coming.
And now, for some good news!
It may be the bias of my Taurus Rising, but daaaaaaang am I excited for this Taurus Moon!!!
GUYS: we need this.
We deserve this.
Because this Taurus Full Moon gives us the opportunity to take a BREAK and RECHARGE!
Taurus, that sweet, slow, ruled-by-Venus sign of the fixed earth, asks us to engage our senses under this Full Frost Moon.
Taurus, like humble Ferdinand the Bull, encourages us to soak up the beauty of our living being, our life on this gorgeous ineffable earth.
How could you engage with your senses under this Taurus Moon?
- Soak in a salt bath (bonus points for bubbles!).
- Infuse your favorite feel-good herbs in a bowl of warm water, then splash your face/soak your hands & feet in. (Some of my favorite herbs for this are Rose, Lavender, Sage, Lemongrass, and Eucalyptus.)
- Eat nourishing root vegetables prepared JUST the way you like ’em — roasted (with rosemary and garlic or brown sugar and butter!) and juiced are my faves.
- Eat ANY kind of really, really good food that transports you to a transcendently orgasmic place.
- Brew up a pot of your favorite tea and share it with your beloveds.
- Drink a cup of your favorite tea all snuggled up in your solitary Zen cave (bed/couch/bathtub/blanket fort).
- Give your altar(s) a make-over.
- Indulge in your favorite feel-good movie or TV show.
- Put on your favorite album or playlist and lie down, just listening.
- Make music.
- Give hugs to everyone (including yourself).
- Kiss.
- Get a massage!
- Sit by the fire.
- Ask yourself, as you lounge in your Snuggie with a glass of wine, what it is you value most?
- Act accordingly.
Basically: pamper yourself and be present.
And remember: really FEEL the pleasure in what you’re doing.
The point is to engage the senses — so use them!
Taste the delicious food.
Smell the aromatic tea.
Delight in the flickering flame.
Feel the warmth of the creature in your arms.
Laugh until your gut aches and you pee your pants a little.
And while doing so, hold the intention that you are grounding the work you’ve been doing + recharging yourself for the next phase of the journey.
Know that you deserve this period of rest and relaxation.
Know that by engaging your senses through pleasure, you invoke the powers of manifestation.
Know that is right and good for you to do whatever you need to do right now.
Know that you are okay.
And share, if you care to do so, how you’re taking care of yourself this Taurus Moon!
Splay it all over the interwebs!
By doing so, you give others permission to pamper themselves and be present, too.
The Full Taurus Moon will occur at 2:22 pm PST on Thursday, November 6.
I suggest you indulge in the stabilizing practice of sensuality on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights.
If you’re on Instagram, I’d love to see your pictures. Find me @tarotandtea!
Guys, we’re going to be okay.
I love you.
Images from The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf; artwork by Robert Lawson